Balancing Motherhood and a Tech/Cyber Career: How Working Moms Can Thrive in the Industry


As a mother of two, I am going to discuss a topic close to my heart: the perception that careers in tech and cybersecurity have historically been seen as unviable options for mothers like us. Since I made the leap into this field, I’ve received numerous questions that reflect the doubts many women face when considering a career transition. Here are a few examples:

  1. “Can I really juggle a demanding tech job while being a single mom?”
  2. “What if I don’t have a tech background? Is it too late for me to start?”
  3. “How can I find a role that allows for flexibility and work-life balance?”
  4. “What resources or support networks are available for mothers entering the tech industry?”

These shows that for a long time and even maybe still today, these fields feel out of reach, fed by stereotypes and misconceptions created over time. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not only possible to thrive in this dynamic industry; it’s empowering and fulfilling.

Embracing Flexibility in Tech

One of the most significant advantages of working in tech is the inherent flexibility. While many companies are still figuring out the benefits of remote working, a growing number understand the value of a results-oriented environment that respects personal commitments. When I joined Microsoft with a toddler and a four-month-old, that flexibility was a lifesaver. It allowed me to manage school drop-offs, doctor’s appointments, and still enjoy those precious moments with my children while still pushing forward in my career.

If you’re in a role that offers remote work or flexible hours, seize that opportunity. Communicate openly with your manager about your needs as a working parent, but If your current workplace isn’t as flexible truly sorry and despite the way things might look on the job market, it might be time to explore opportunities with organizations that prioritize work-life balance for their people.

Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations

One of the hardest lessons I learned was the importance of setting boundaries between work and home life. For instance, I block off specific hours for school runs and make sure my colleagues know my schedule. This alignment not only helps me manage my time but also fosters understanding among my team.

Managing expectations is equally crucial. It’s easy to fall into the trap of overcommitting, but recognizing what you can realistically achieve in a day will save you from burnout.

Mastering Time Management

We all know how fast paced an industry like tech or cyber can be, and this is why time management is essential. I’ve discovered that creating a structured routine keeps me organized and productive at work and home. One effective method for me has been time-blocking—assigning specific periods for focused work, meetings, family time, and even self-care.

I prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Some days, family needs come first, while on others, a work deadline takes precedence. By clearly identifying what requires immediate attention, I can manage my responsibilities more effectively.

Building a Support System

As a single mom of 2, it’s easy to feel like you have to do everything alone. But let me assure you, asking for help is not a sign of weakness; it’s a strategy for success. I made a conscious effort to build a support network—friends, available resources aimed for parents and some companies even have internal benefits and perks that sometimes most people don’t even realize, I made it my discipline to always find out different government, local or companies perks that provide resources to parents and you would be surprised on how many they are out there, so do your homework and never be afraid to accept that we can’t do it all alone this mindset and approach has been liberating and essential for my well-being.

Prioritizing Self-Care

Amidst the chaos of work and motherhood, it’s crucial not to neglect yourself. I used to feel guilty about taking time for self-care, but I quickly learned that I’m a better mom and professional when I prioritize my mental and physical health.

Whether it’s going for a morning jog, diving into a good book, or enjoying a peaceful cup of coffee at dawn, carving out “me time” is vital. Prioritizing your happiness and health provides the energy and clarity needed to juggle your responsibilities.

Also did you know that the City of Brussels municipality will soon provide for Single-parent families 20 hours of free babysitting a year to take pressure off them -> find out more here : Brussels municipality launches free babysitting service for single parents (

Letting Go of Guilt

Guilt can be an unwelcome companion for many working mothers, especially in demanding fields like tech or cyber. We often feel torn between family obligations and professional commitments. However, I’ve learned that guilt doesn’t help; it only amplifies stress.

Recognizing that I’m doing my best for both my career and my family has helped me let go of the guilt. There will be days when it feels like I’m falling short, and that’s okay. Perfection is a myth, and it’s important to give ourselves grace. Would also recommend reading : Mogul, Mom, & Maid: The Balancing Act of the Modern Woman

Recommendations for Time Management and Productivity

Throughout this journey, I’ve read several books that have positively influenced my time management and productivity. Here are a few that I highly recommend:

  1. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear – This book emphasizes the power of small habits and how they can lead to significant changes in your life.
  2. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey – Covey’s principles can help you prioritize what matters most in both your personal and professional life.
  3. “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” by David Allen – This book provides practical strategies for managing tasks and reducing overwhelm, which is essential for any working mom.
  4. “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by Greg McKeown – A great resource for learning to focus on what truly matters and eliminate distractions.
  5. “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” by Cal Newport – This book is invaluable for anyone in tech, emphasizing the importance of focused work and minimizing distractions.

Conclusion: Redefining Career Paths for Women

Balancing motherhood and a career in cybersecurity—or any field—shouldn’t be viewed merely as a challenge; it’s a powerful opportunity to reshape what’s possible for women in tech. As a single mother, I am determined to break the mold and change the narrative around career options for women. It’s time to dismantle the stereotypes that suggest certain fields are off-limits and to embrace the truth that we can excel in any arena we choose.

While the journey may have its hurdles, it is undeniably worthwhile. Each step we take not only helps us forge our own paths but also paves the way for other women to follow.

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